Winter Fishing Thoughts
Here we are right in the center of winter. We are past the holidays and the eternal darkness of December in Montana. We are building daylight every day and spring fishing is right around the corner. It felt fitting now should be the time to talk fishing for the upcoming year.
The word on the street is all about snow pack. Yes at this time we are lacking in the snow department. In fact the last few days felt like spring fishing days more then winter. We really need some snow. We have the big snow producing months of February, March and April ahead to regain some of what we need. Lets all do the snow dance so that we get some more of the white stuff up high before spring.
While this may look bad on the outside it is not as bad as it looks. Nothing is ever as good or bad as it first appears. We have lots of water stored in the lake. Hebgan is about 86 percent full from last years snow pack and the wet fall. This might just save the Madison for the summer. Second, we had two big snow years in a row prior. This has lots of moisture locked up underground , making its way to the river. One report I read says it takes almost a year for water to leach from the mountains underground and hit the river. We should have full aquafor and good recharge this summer. Third as mentioned we have the big snow producing months ahead. Many years the late winter and spring snows save us. Lets hope the old El Nino weakens quicker than expected and we get some atmospheric rivers headed our way.
With all this in mind I would expect lower flows than last few years. Every drop will be metered and the folks at the dam will make sure to use wisely. With the lower flows I would expect better dry fly fishing than last year. In the previous year the big flows keep fish eating below surface more than on top. With the less head space they can see dries better. Also , lets hope for a better hopper year. It never really got going last season with all the green grass everywhere. We should have a good hopper year. Lastly, we should see some darn good spring and salmon fly fishing. Lower flows always mean better spring and June fishing. Get your gear ready early.
While things may look bleak in the mountains there are still some bright spots. Let’s all keep doing the snow dance and hope for big spring storms.