The Best Flies for the Mother’s Day Caddis Hatch on the Madison River
By Jim Bob Terry
Mother’s Day Caddis Madness
With spring unfolding on the Madison River and May quickly approaching, dry fly anglers all across Southwestern Montana are eagerly awaiting the first signs of Mother’s Day Caddis.
On the better years you’ll see swarms of these bugs appear right as the water temperatures hit the mid 50’s, with plenty of trout eager to chow down on them. Near Ennis, MT we typically see them appear in early May, though it can vary depending on water temperature. The Mothers Day Caddis hatch is a blast to fish and a for sure favorite of mine, here are six flies I like to have in my box when it kicks off…..
The Hatch Mother’s Day Caddis (Size 14-18)
This is a pattern from hatch tied specifically to imitate the Mothers Day Caddis. With a dark body, tan wing, and a small green bead on the butt end, this is my go to dry for the occasion and fools finicky fish.
Jakes All Season Caddis (Tan/Brown Size 14-18)
The Jakes is an “All Season” favorite caddis dry of mine. A little darker than your average Mother’s Day Caddis, but the fish don’t mind. It also has a foam body which I’m a huge fan of.
Bloom’s Para Caddis (Peacock/ Green Size 12-18)
This one is great if you need something easy on the eyes. Because of its pink parachute, the para caddis is great if you are having trouble seeing your fly. I often use it as a point fly on a double dry rig, and even to hold small droppers in its larger sizes.
Galloup’s Downed Caddis (Tan/ Olive Size 14-18)
A great caddis emerger to tie behind a dry when the fish are grabbing bugs in the film. I’ll often tie it less than a foot behind my dry and watch the fish grab it in the surface film. It also fishes well on a double nymph rig!
Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle (Size 14-18)
Another great fly to fish as an emerger during the hatch, and if you like swinging soft hackles this time of year, make sure you have a few.
Bloom’s Tung Dart (Olive Size 14-18)
The “Tung Dart” makes for a great dropper underneath a larger dry, or you can run it on a double nymph rig when the dry fly bite is slow. It’s a flashy bug that has caught me tons of trout.
The Mother’s Day Caddis hatch is a cant-miss for dry fly lovers. Whether you’re going with your favorite fishing buddy, or your favorite guide I hope you can get after it, and don’t forget to call your Mom on Sunday May, 8th!