Madison & Ennis Gallery
Here are some great images of the beautiful Madison Valley and Ennis.
Here are some great images of the beautiful Madison Valley and Ennis.
Here is a great video from Outside Bozeman and The Tackle shop on tying one of our special spring stone flies. This is a great pattern for the spring skwala and nemora stone fly on the local rivers.
Take a look at some of the images from the great rivers of Montana.
Check out the trailer for Trout TV’s episode with us on the Madison River. The video was from the opening two days in May of the upper Madison. Enjoy!
Here is a great video that Guide Bill Youngs and I help film for Southwest Montana Tourism association. Some great views of the Madison River.
We realize the holiday season can be difficult, time consuming, stressful and crazy. Especially if you have a fisherman or woman on your list to shop for. We are try to take the stress out of this holiday season by giving you some ideas of great gifts. Each day will feature a new gift […]
We realize the holiday season can be difficult, time consuming, stressful and crazy. Especially if you have a fisherman or woman on your list to shop for. We are try to take the stress out of this holiday season by giving you some ideas of great gifts. Each day will feature a new gift […]
With the turkeys of thanksgiving all consumed and Santa’s sleigh running us down, now is the perfect time to reflect and document the past season. With light snow falling on an almost empty Main Street of Ennis Montana it makes all of us who live for the warmer months and the bustle of a busy […]
With it now being August it officially marks the mid way point in our season. It is also the time of year when things are hot, dry and with lower numbers of hatches to keep the fish interested. The party of June has come and gone and the big bugs are all but […]
Feel the Vibration The ultimate postman’s holiday, a guide on a day off fishing the Madison River. You know what lives here. You know what is watching your fly go by a certain rock. You almost feel him tug a good second or two before your line goes tight and your rod bends. Then there […]